BENEFITS: The blend of essential oils in Happy tend to do just that. In order to achieve inner happiness, look within. Let go of unnecessary tension and allow yourself to fully assess your state of mind. Pair your search with a couple of breaths of Happy and prepare to feel bliss.
INGREDIENTS: Fennel, Thyme, Vanilla, Caraway, Clary Sage, Green Mandarin, Lavender, Mandarin Petitgrain, Marjoram, Parsley Seed & Organic USP Glycerin
EXPERIENCE: Meet the first portable and personal aromatherapy diffuser. By blending ancient aromatherapy practices with modern technology, we have revolutionized the way that customers experience the benefits of essential oils.
HOW TO USE: Breathe gently in through your mouth and out through your nose. When you breathe gently, aromatherapeutic molecules pass the olfactory nerve endings in your upper nasal passageway. This action is the first step to noticeable therapeutic effects.